Monday, June 8, 2009

Catacomb Kids

I must say, having a laptop is pretty awesome. Especially when your wireless router will extend the range of available internet to your porch. It's nice to enjoy the balmy morning air with breakfast while simultaneously internetting. That is now a verb, by the way.

I'm feeling pretty good after Danville yesterday. I finished 6th out of an undetermined number of Clydesdales - I'll find out soon enough though. The course was pretty fun, lots of climbing (I think around 3600 feet total). Pretty dry considering we've been getting a good bit of rain lately, although there were a few spots with a bunch of pine needles that managed to suck up a bunch of water, hence becoming a little slick and hard to pedal through.

I've identified several areas that certainly need improvement:
- I need to learn to push bigger gears. I've got the power, but I need to tap into it, especially on climbs.
- I'm still a little slow through tight turns and some extremely steep technical sections. More riding is the only answer for this though.
- I'm still figuring out what works in terms of my diet. I felt a little uneasy during the first 40 minutes of the race, and that certainly cost me a bit. I think I can stand to consume more gel during the race as well, but in small bits.

These are all things that I'm sure will work themselves out in time. Very few, if any, have become fast overnight.

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